
Showing posts from 2021

Art Exhibition (art)

 In art class we have an exhibition to show our past artwork. we have to show at least three artwork, we can choose to use our own artwork or from the school work. and then we made a video of us presenting our virtual exhibition. The skills that i use to complete this work is communication skills because i have to keep in touch with my teacher so that if there's anything i should add or improve i will know. And the challenge that i had during this work is that probably i have to search all of my artwork from grade 7 until grade 9 so that i can choose which one will i put in my exhibition. And this is the presentation that i made for my exhibition, it has five artwork and two of them is a dress design and the other is my drawing sketch.

Negara maju dan berkembang (Humanities)

in ips lesson i made a video of what we have learned since grade 7 until grade 9 and i choose to talk about negara maju dan berkembang. the skills that i use to complete this work were research skills and thinking skills because i need to do some research first to find the information that i wanted. and the challenge that i had during completing this work is that probably every website has different answers to my question so i had to double check it. and this is the video that i made

4000 step challenge (Physical education)

for practical test in PE class we have to walk 4000 steps. i walk from fresh market kotwis to burger king in kotwis. the skills that i use to complete this work is time management skills because i have to squeeze my time to do this on weekdays. And the challenge that i had during this work is that when i did this the first time my phone died so it didn't record on how long i've been walking and the second time i try this i didn't know how many steps i already did so i just keep walking until i'm feel tired.  

Microsoft word (ICT)

 In ICT class i learn about microsoft word, exel, and power point. and for our practical test we were told to make a video tutorial of it. here's my video it is about microsoft word and i only put the microsoft word only because it takes to long if i put it all three together. The skills that i use to complete this work is research skills because i need to search it first the function of each button. and the challenge that i get during this work is that probably i have to try every single button because im not familiar with some of the buttons.

Fermentation food (design technology)

 in DT lesson i learn about biotechnology. We tried to cook/make a fermented food n drink and i chose to make smoothies which are made out of yoghurt. The skills that i use to complete this work were thinking skills and communication skills because i had to do some research first about what will i make and what things should i buy. and then i ask my parents to help me prepare everything i need and record me while making the drink. And some challenge that i had during this work is probably that i have to record it while im making the drink which is kind of hard if i do it alone and that is why i ask my parents for help.

Analyzing song (Music)

in music lesson i learn how to analyze a song and so i picked a song and tried it myself and make a poster of it. The skills that use to complete this work is thinking skill because we have to think what part of the song it is. and the challenge that i had during completing this work is that its still confuse me a lot on how to know which part of the song it is. and this is the poster that i made.

rectangle and triangle (Math)

 in Math lesson i review some topics from grade 7 until grade 8 and every student will get their own topic to present it. I got a topic about rectangle and triangle. the skills that i use to complete this work were research skills because i had to do some research on the internet about the topic and i also use communication skills with my teacher. the challenge that i had during this work is probably that my topic has a lot of information and shapes that i had to search.

Heart beat test text report (Science)

 in science class practical test i did an experiment about the activity that affect the heart beat, and i record it on my phone and write the result on my lab report. The skills that i use to complete this work were thinking skills and time management skills because i have to think for the result of my lab report and i use time management skills to finish this project. The challenge that i get during completing this work is probably the part where i need to count my impulse rate while running and it is very challenging because sometimes i lost count which makes me have to repeat it again and again     

Teks inspiratif (Bahasa Indonesia)

di kelas bahasa Indonesia saya belajar tentang cara membuat teks inpiratif dan strukturnya.  saya mencoba untuk membuat cerita tentang ayah saya. saya harus bertanya kepada ayah saya tentang pengalaman pengalaman penting yang terjadi di hidupnya, dan karena itu saya bisa tahu lebih banyak hal tentang beliau. Skill yang saya pakai untuk menyelesaikan tugas ini adalah communication skills dan thinking skills karena saya harus menyesuaikan waktu saya dengannya karena beliau mempunyai perkerjaan pekerjaan lain yang harus di kerjakan, jadi saya harus membuat target untuk mengerjakan project ini supaya semua berjalan dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Dan kesulitan kesulitan yang saya alami saat mengerjakan tugas ini adalah saya harus menyusun kata kata dengan benar dan menyesuaikan dengan struktur teksnya.

Poster lembaga UUD 1945 (pkn)

 in pkn lesson we were told to make posters about any pkn topic that we've learned since grade 7 until grade 9. And i chose to make a poster about lembaga-lembaga UUD 1945. the skills that i use to complete this work is research skills, because again i search it on google about each of them and what is their job. And the challenge that i had during completing this work is that i need to summarize all of the information that i got first.

Teks Biantara (sunda)

In sundanese lesson i learned how to make a speech text in sundanese , we have to chose one topic and i chose to make an environmental themed speech. The skills that i use to complete this work is communication skills because my parents help me with making the speech. and the challenge that i had during this work is probably i don't know some words in sundanese and that is why i had to ask my parents or use google translate.