di pelajaran bahasa sunda saya belajar cara untuk memperkenalkan diri saya dengan bahasa sunda. Project yang saya buat kali ini adalah berupa video. Dan skill yang saya butuhkan untuk myelesaikan tugas ini adalah communication skill.
In sundanese lesson i learned how to make a speech text in sundanese , we have to chose one topic and i chose to make an environmental themed speech. The skills that i use to complete this work is communication skills because my parents help me with making the speech. and the challenge that i had during this work is probably i don't know some words in sundanese and that is why i had to ask my parents or use google translate.
in pkn lesson we were told to make posters about any pkn topic that we've learned since grade 7 until grade 9. And i chose to make a poster about lembaga-lembaga UUD 1945. the skills that i use to complete this work is research skills, because again i search it on google about each of them and what is their job. And the challenge that i had during completing this work is that i need to summarize all of the information that i got first.
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