
Showing posts from March, 2019

procedural text

in English subject, i learn about procedural text. i make a video how to make suffs. the process of this work were, first i discuss with my partner and then i start to make the video and finally i edit it. i demonstrated research skill and communication skill to complete this work and i also showed think win win because i work partners in this project.

recycle product video

in dt and ict subject, I learn about how to make recycle product. I make a video about how to make a product (recycle). the process of this wok were, first i discuss with my group, what are we gonna make and then i try to make the video one by one (step by step) and finally we edit the video and wolaaa it's done. i demonstrated research skill and communication skill and i also showed think win win during this project because i work in a group :) . the most interesting part of this project was, when making the video. some challenges that i found were, when editing the video and next time i will improve my self by be on time.

humanities public transportation

in this project, I learned about the public transportation in my country (Indonesia). I make a video about our public transformation (is it clean?, safe?, and etc). The process of this work were, first on 10 march 2019 me and my friends went to Jakarta with some public transportation to observe, I take photos and some videos to collect data and I interview some people there and I take notes. here, on this project I demonstrated social skill and communication skill to complete this work. I also showed put first thing first during this project, while I'm in the train or even transjakarta. the most interesting part of this project was when i'm in the train because it was just fun even tho sometimes we have to wait. some challenges that I found when completing this work were, when I have to take the video on the bus. next time I will improve myself by, be more responsible.

singapore school trip

on Wednesday 13 march 2019 me my friends and my teacher  went to Singapore for a school trip .there, I learn about a lot of stuffs like their culture and etc. And I'm also learn  how to be more independence and responsible for my own belongings. we learn and play there we really have a lots of fun.

my art project

in art subject, I learn about traditional ornament. I made a traditional ornament painting from Dayak (Kalimantan).the process of this work were, first I search from any recourses and I sketch my drawing and then I paint it with poster colour. I demonstrated research skill to complete this work. And I also showed begin with the end in mind during this project. the most interesting part of this project was, when I paint it. there some challenges I found which were, when I draw but it but it have to be similar like the one in Dayak. next time I will improve my self by working faster ;)