
Showing posts from 2018
My p o r t f o l i o term 1 semester 1 GR.7 2k18-2k19 😊 Dina 😊
this is my workslip . almost the same as goals but this is more like learner profile or 7 habits and in here I'm not telling my goals but more like how I will present the skills or improve some learner profile.
this is my goals for this term (semester 1)
so the next project is making a plant or animals book this is science,art,english lesson .I spend a lot of time for making this book .and well the result is not the way I want it but I really try my best so ya and the result is 19 page if i'm not mistaken .and y and i'm so sorry I can't post all pages here because that was book(you probably know what I mean) so I just gonna post the cover of my plants book the tittle that I get is about bryophytes it is a plants where probably it is more familiar with moss .
the  next thing is I make a craft it is DT lesson or project .I make a phone phone flannel cases .well what I learn is actually sewing ,like how we do that and the skills and technic of the sewing.😊😊😊
selanjutnya ada project B.Indonesia .jadi disini kita belajar tentang mendeskripsikan satu tempat dan harus merekamnya .kita berkerja berkelompok ,kelompok saya adalah Inri dan juga Bilqis .kami mendeskripsikan satu tempat dan kami memilih untuk mendeskripsikan de ranch mega mendung di puncak .disana ada banyak wahana dan fasilitas fasilitas yg mendukung kita disana harus merekam , mewawancarai org org .dan kita gabungkan menjadi satu video . ini link nya . please enjoy :) 😃😃
jadi project saya selanjutnya adalah video Asian games PPKN saya .jadi saya disuruh untuk mendokumentasikan sebuah tempat dimana Asian games sedang berlangsung .saat disana apa yg kita harus lakukan adalah merekam,mewawancarai dan melihat norma apa saja yg ada di sana . sebenernya di pelajaran PPKN  ini sedang mempelajari tentang bela Negara dan macam macam norma  dan hasil dokumentasi saya...........
so this is my physical education class, I learn about hand ball and soccer but if your asking that the picture it was not soccer or even hand ball that's because  this is when I was stretching it's fun and also healthy OFC . here I learn a lot of things , not only physic but skills also , like how to be sportive ,team work or else and ya I thing that's all
I learn math about al-gebra it's challenging for me because it's new but now I know  how to solve or count al-gebra to the final result, and know that we actually use al-gebra every day and it is really important .

This is my humanities work and the workslip


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